Sunday, November 4, 2012

11/4/12 - K-class & more...

Sunday is take the girls and I to K-class in K-zoo.  Everytime, before class, Mr & Mrs Lee feed us 민두(mandu), I love it.  For a good explanation of what mandu is, check out Eat Your Kimchi.  We get to show off out chopstick skills and make fun of those who can't use them.

Today, we did a lot of listening and writing today, which I think I kind of rocked Mr. Lee's socks off at.  The big one we learned today was 나 는 사라 호톤 입니디 and 너는 누구냐?.  It's a good idea being able to say "My name is....." and "Who are you?".  The girls needs a bit of help with it but the other guy in class was lost - which is so annoying sometimes.  이 연 희 had us go through and write different people's name including Obama and Mitt.  We also worked on the vowels: ㅗㅣ, ㅗㅐ...thanks to TVXQ, I already know what ㅗㅐ you keep your head down!  We finally went over soem the the numbers, too.  I've been waiting for this.  He said, we wrote - I rocked!  을, 이, 삼, 사, 오, 육, 칠, 필, 구, 십 (1-10)  I know 1-5, both ways, but now I know 1-10 with the Chinese numbers.  Maybe the korean ones will be next class (하나,둘, and so on...).

Boo and I are REALLY looking forward to the trip to NYC to see BIGBANG this weekend!!  I'm nervous that the trip won't happen due to storms and such, but I'm hoping like hell it will.  We are so excited!

I totally thought one of my shows (The Innocent Man) ended this week, so while watching episode 16, I was stressing out and worrying a bunch - come to find out there are 2 more weeks of the show - YAY!!!  FAITH, with Lee Min Ho, did end this week and holy cow was it great!  LOVED the show!  Five Fingers ends this week and we'll finally be able to put it to rest.  Full House 2 started last week, or the week before, and I like it - but I really HATE the hair styles on it.

As for music this week - I love this song by Lee Hi.  She totally sounds like a young Adele, Amy Winehouse, Lilly Allen mashup.  Lurv her!  Check out her video here:)  I am really  into the new Epic High CD as well.  Anong with the multitudes of kpop I love and over listen to on a daily basis, I like gritty, angry, comical korean rap on occasion.


1 comment:

  1. Damn it all! I thought it was ending today, but it's got another 6 shows to go! AAHHHHHHHH! Put me out of my misery, please :(
