Wednesday, December 5, 2012

12/5/12 - Big Bang, K-Town and NYC

Oh it's been a while. So much has happened since the last post.  We've had K-class, went to New York and...isn't that enough? 

We're doing a lot in K-class.  We didn’t have class last week, but this week we went over the days and months.  So last week I made cheat charts to put up on my desk at work of the numbers, months and days.  This week Mr. Lee made me write the numbers on the whiteboard in front of everyone.  I did ok, but he yelled me for writing too fast and not writing in order.  Whatever – it was good.

So on the 8th we went to New York to see Big Bang at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ.  The drive was long – very long – and I found out Sprint works much better out of Michigan (watched a few dramas along the way).  

Big Bang was f-ing AWESOME!!  Boo and I had a great time.  Boo got a shirt and some stickers before the show started.  Our seats were up high, but the energy was still high in the stands.  We danced, we sang and we had a ball.  They played songs like Fantastic Baby, Still Alive, Haru Haru, Monster and Tonight.  GD and TOP sang High High (my fav song of the night) and it was wicked cool.  Deasung, Taeyoung, and Seungri all did solo songs – which was cool.  GD did One of a Kind, That XX and CrayOn ß f-ing awesome.  I loved every minute of the concert.  LOVED IT!!!  BB ended up doing an encore, but only songs that they had already sung.  It was a good 2 hours of cool. 

The next day we went into Manhattan and found K-town.  It took a while for us to find, and we walked A LOT, but we found it.  We looked around a bit, found a cool K-bookstore and thought it was just plain awesome.  Too early to eat, we walked up a few block (from 32nd to 51st) and hit the Lego Store and Bryant Park.  We took the subway back to 34th and found a place to eat.

We picked a restaurant called Shilla to eat at and holy cow was it good.  Our table was on the 3rd floor and it was one of those places where the waitress cooked the meat right at the table.  Sour Grapes got Bulgogi and I got Spicy Pork.  Boo got hot Bimibop and boy did it look delish!  After lunch I went back to the bookstore and got what I wanted and then we all agreed our day was over. 

We all had a great time and learned a lot on the trip.  New York was amazing – I could so live there.